A Bookstore for Bibliophiles


Designed by Shanghai-based Atelier tao+c, Common Reader is dedicated to bibliophiles and the art of getting lost in a good book. We speak with designers Tao Liu and Chunyan Cai to find out more about their approach to designing a store than invites visitors to linger

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Design Anthology: How did you first meet the client?

Tao Liu (TL): In March 2020, we received a phone call from the client saying she wanted to invite us to design her bookstore, Common Reader. At that time, the traffic between cities was shut down due to the pandemic, but we immediately decided to accept the commission as we were already fond of Virginia Woolf’s volume of essays, The Common Reader. Since we already shared the same interest in books, we trusted that the client would also really care about the importance of reading in today’s world, so we took on the project before we had even met in person.

What was her brief to you for the project?

Chunyan Cai (CC): In many cities, small independent bookstores are disappearing and being replaced by larger, composite retail-style bookstores. She wanted to create a store with pure intentions, that invites people to focus on books and reading, more of a book club-style space for book lovers.

What’s great about the neighbourhood and what makes the location unique?

CC: The bookstore is located on the ground floor of a new shopping mall in Xiaoshan, Hangzhou. The neighbourhood is quite ordinary, and the lack of local cultural venues means it’s even more important to have a nice bookstore to serve the community.

How did you approach the project — what design references or narrative did you try to incorporate into the space?

TL: Though it sells books, we don't consider Common Reader a retail space. Rather, it’s a space for knowledge and memory. We wanted to create an ambience where people can immerse themselves in reading and don't have the pressure of shopping, more like the old libraries that were usually were quite dimly lit and intimate. With this in mind, we tried to reduce other elements and concentrate only on the arrangement of bookshelves to form the layout, paying close attention to the details and dimensions of the shelving. Also, with the integration of seats into the shelving system we aimed to encourage readers to sit down and spend time reading or writing.

Please tell us a little about the material choices for the space.

TL: The space is composed of two major elements. All the bookshelves and seats are made of dark cherry wood, which we selected to bring in a sense of nostalgia and tranquillity, invoking the memory of old reading rooms. The other dominant element is the various green-toned materials: the dark green velvet curtain, the bright green wood-lined metal that brightens up the overall space, and the greenish acrylic used for the customised lighting in a nod to antique reading lamps.

Please tell us about some of the custom pieces for the space.

CC: Almost every item in the space was designed specifically for the project, including all the bookshelves, tables, lamps and benches.

Do you have a favourite element or design detail?

CC: My favourite detail is the series of reading and study nooks embedded in the bookshelves, which are lined up to form a sequence of framed views that add layers to the space.

What other features are you most excited about?

CC: We also really like the entrance, which is a combination of doors and a showcase window made of wooden frames and curved glass. It simultaneously reveals the bookshelves to passers-by and also conveys a feeling of intimacy that is different from the nearby stores.

Images / Wen Studio

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