Historical Military Housing Becomes Goonnight Hostel


An 83-year-old military housing facility that combines elements of Japanese and Chinese architecture is given a second life as Goonnight Hostel, designed by local studio RND Inc to evoke a traditional family home. We speak with design director Justin Hsiao to find out more

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Design Anthology: Where is the hotel located?

Justin Hsiao: Goonnight Hostel is in Kaohsiung’s Zuoying District, an area filled with the ruins of old military housing, which Kaohsiung City’s Cultural Affairs Bureau manages on a rental basis. The hostel is located in one such building. 

What unique features does the building have?

The building is divided into two sections. The original building was built in 1937 as a dormitory for Japanese soldiers and was used to house a single military family of three to five people. When the Kuomintang took over Taiwan in 1945, the building suddenly had to accommodate three families of five or more people. So the Chinese-style extension had different functions and had to cater for three separate families. The building therefore houses the stories of two generations of soldiers. 

What was your design concept for the hostel?

What we wanted most was to preserve the memory of the building in a gentle way, without damaging or altering it. We did this not only by keeping all of the original walls intact, but also by restoring as much of the original design elements as we could, like the millstone, wrought-iron windows and woven bamboo and mud walls.

The original Japanese building is divided in an east-west orientation, with the sun-facing west side now housing the exhibition hall, games room and dining area and the shaded east side now containing the living room and lounge. The guest rooms are located around the semi-outdoor corridor and courtyard of the Kuomintang-style building.

What kind of traveller do you think this hotel will appeal to most?

Goonnight is a great option for families with children and those who love culture. All the spaces are connected to each other and have outdoor gardens, and the entire compound is enclosed, so children can explore safely and happily. Goonnight is already popular for big groups or multi-generational family holidays, since everyone can stay so close to one another.

Can you tell us about the design of the interiors? 

We knocked down the ceilings to reveal the original Japanese-style beams and pillars. Inside each guest room, we’ve used woven bamboo curtains and wooden flooring that’s different from the polished stone flooring outside, so you can feel the warmth as soon as you enter the room. There are also onsen-like bathtubs for guests to enjoy.

The maze-like connections between all indoor spaces mean guests can explore without having to put shoes on first, just like the families who lived here back in the day would have been able to walk around their home.

Outside, we’ve built a small fish pond in the courtyard and laid grass so visitors can lie on the grass and spend time relaxing in the sun.

Images / Lin You Ren

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DOE Goes Out of the Box


A Home for Family Life