A Way of Life and Peace of Mind
VOLA’s latest video is a gentle homage to the Danish way of mindful living, explored further in this meditation on our connection with nature
For centuries, humans have sought happiness and wellbeing through a connection with nature. From Neolithic stone circles to today’s renewed interest in sustainable and organic products, we have a primal need to have relationships with spaces and objects that resonate in a profound and purposeful way. This philosophy has been embraced by many cultures, but in Denmark it is engrained in everything we do — at home, at work and in our daily lives.
Danish tap manufacturer VOLA’s understanding of this philosophy has informed how the brand designs and manufactures its products for over 50 years. From respect for natural resources to shaping our interactions with water, it’s about creating moments that allow us to reconnect with nature and enhance our wellbeing.
At home, we explore how we feel about the spaces we inhabit and the objects that we interact with. Our in-built desire to pursue contentment always propels us, regardless of how busy and all-consuming our lives might be. This feeling of contentment comes in many forms, but is always at its strongest when it comes from purity, simplicity and integrity.
The natural world is where these qualities are abundant, so it’s no surprise that’s where we turn, even when we are indoors. In the home, natural materials and forms act as touchstones, a way of calming our thoughts, recalibrating and achieving balance.
Of course, wellbeing is about much more than just how things look and feel. The power of good design to enhance our life extends to how we experience functionality, too. When Arne Jacobsen designed the first VOLA tap, function played just as important a role as form, and that unique balance hasn’t fundamentally changed since 1968. The technology behind the aesthetic is what makes a product stand the test of time — an investment in design excellence that makes the experience at home more pleasurable and meaningful.
Our wellbeing is also intrinsically linked to our values and beliefs. If we surround ourselves with objects and experiences that match these, we feel more congruent, more connected. Humans have always valued longevity, even when trends have veered towards the throwaway. Respect for natural resources is a timeless element of any community. If we know that an object is long-lasting, even that it will remain useful and beautiful long after we have gone, it confirms a sense of permanence that the ephemeral can never achieve.
In Danish culture, the attitude towards natural resources is informed by the ancient landscape. Every VOLA product is designed and made in Denmark, and 100 percent of the natural materials used are recycled. Once a VOLA product has been introduced into a space, it remains through the generations; that’s why the brand ensures it can supply replacement internal parts for every product made.
As we find ourselves increasingly questioning how our homes affect and reflect us, it’s no surprise that the dual roles of nature and design are more significant than ever. A simple shape, a pure form, an object that is effortless to use — these are the moments that bring more meaning to the everyday. And in turn, more meaning brings deeper contentment and happiness.
Filmography / Chris Turner
Image by Nick David
Image by Jonas Bjerre-Poulsen
Image by Mikkel Vang
Image by Mikkel Vang
Image by Mikkel Vang
Image by Alex Wilson
Image by Jonas Bjerre-Poulsen
Image by Jonas Bjerre-Poulsen
Image by Simone Bossi
Image by Alex Wilson
Image by Alex Wilson